Saturday, July 20, 2013

Coffee Savings

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Talk 2: Get rid of idolatry (The Feast @PICC, Sunday July 14, 2013)

Full Tank Series (The Feast, Sunday July 14, 2013)

Talk 2: Get rid of idolatry

Deuteronomy 27:15

When you seek from another person something that only God can give

What is that something? All the things that makes us complete

2 types of Paradigm

1) Performance paradigm -

the way you relate to other people is the way you treat yourself
people with this paradigm postponed their happiness or trust or love.. they will wait until they reach something before they start loving themselves

ORIGIN: idolatry..i.e.looking for something from another i will love you only if...

there is no such thing as earn my love or earn my has to be given away unconditionally

performance paradigm entails shaming

ex. a boy who picks up a choco bar in a store and then tantrums starts when his mom did not buy for him..what happens next is if his mom adopts a performance paradigm she will be conscious and then be ashamed of her son..then outburt would get mad with her son..because her happiness or selfworth comes from her child or another person..i will love you only if???

the best discipline is to allow the person to face the consequences of his action

you have to stop idolatry in your heart and start connecting with God

only when you have peace in your heart

2) Prodigal paradigm

prodigal is reckless extravagance

reckless extravagance in love (the parable of the prodigal son?.. after his son returns from his prodigal show his love for his son he celebrates a feast in extravagance)

the prodigal paradigm do not speak but listens - empathy

the best example is when a child has a failing grade and shows it to her parents..his parents would sit down with them and son how can i help you? is there something that worries you?..what happens next..the son would corrects himself (self correct)

the opposite - performance paradigm..a parent would shamed their son saying things that would hurt his feelings..eventually the son would rebel more to his parents..

whatever you do it will affect the people around you

and there is only one thing that can change a heart - an UNCONDITIONAL LOVE

Love letter from an accountant

Jay a graduate of Accounting, wrote a letter to his Girl Friend Char

Love letter from an Accountant

In the Journal of my heart,

I have written a Journal Entry,

Debiting my love & crediting my affection,

Now partners,

I write this Narration

Your beauty is the Capital of our business,

And your eyes are Stock In Trade,

Now let us enter into a Transaction,

Without providing Depreciation

Your first love I have already indicated On the Ledger Folio column,

Any way, our relations are based on Double Entry System

Our love is Real & Tangible proposals, Which can be realized,

Interest on the same, Can be capitalized

Partner, you are like a Contra Entry,

You are on my Debit Side & Credit Side, Both at the same time,

And so my partner now ,let us Rectify,

All our errors & total the Trial Balance, Of our affairs & emotions,

Without maintaining any Suspense Account

And any difference in the Trial Balance,

And In the Balance Sheet of our life.

Our children will be Assets & Liabilities,

If they are boys, shall we call them Sundry Debtors?

If they are girls, shall we call them Sundry Creditors

But if we have a boy & a girl,

Our Balance Sheet will Tally automatically,

A balance Sheet

And the Auditor will certify thus


Your dying Accountant in love

Sunday, July 7, 2013

You are God-look-a-like

Believe in yourself

The 5 Keys to Coping with Stress

By Jessica Cohen | June 1st, 2013 at 8:23 am   

Yesterday the folks at released results of a study showing how happy people handle stressful situations.  How do people who are genuinely happy cope with stressful times?

Okay, so you might be rolling your eyes right now, but bear with me.  This, my friends, is fascinating.

Here’s why.  Managing stress is not only important for our emotional health but it is vital for our physical health as well.  During times of stress, any (or all) of the following may occur: increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, changes in breathing patterns, tense muscles, disrupted sleep patterns,  weakened digestive system, and lower immune system resistance.   The effects of stress can takes a serious toll on one’s health, so understanding resiliency and coping techniques might enable us to keep people not only happier, but physically healthier too.

So, why do happier people show more resilience in stressful times while others have more difficulty?  The study looked at 1,434 people who are very happy with their life and found five common factors in coping with stress:

Techniques for Coping with Stress

Here are the five ways that happy people cope with stressful situations. Which one of these do you use?

Problem-Solving Technique
Happy people take active steps to discover the underlying cause of stress and find ways to either solve or improve their situation. They approach stress in a more systematic, practical way. (before sleeping, i tend to organize my thoughts and contemplate..i prioritize which should be tackled first..which is the most important..clear out your mind from any NEGATIVE thinking..always stay positive)

Positive Recognitive Structuring Technique

Happy people can look at a problem or source of stress from a different, more empowering angle.  They find a silver lining to the issue or change the way they think about it. (the positive attitude, the positive thinking..trigger happy techniques - think of happy moments in the past that made you smile or happy or laugh..but stay positive and everything will be your favorite is the fastest way for your comfort)

Negotiation Technique

By compromising and negotiating, happy people can lessen their own aggravation levels.  They are able to adjust their attitude or outlook in order to adapt to a stressful situation. (everything happens for a reason..i always mention the phrase "In Jesus name" or "Jesus save me" when I'm in a difficult situation and it never fails..compromise on issues but never compromise your what is right even if others were not looking)

Emotional Regulation Technique

Happy people recognize the need to calm themselves down before tackling a stressful situation.  They look for a way to release  excess energy in order to see the situation from a less emotional and more rational perspective. (I do confessional writing to calm myself - like talking to God by writing a letter e.g. Dear Father in heaven and then pouring out all what's inside in your mind.. Drinking teas and avoiding too much caffeine..less sugar healthy like buying assorted sliced fruits at the supermarket)

Distraction Technique

Along the lines of emotional regulation, some happy people distract themselves by socializing and enjoying themselves.  This allows them to take their mind off of their stressful situation until they are emotionally ready to find a solution. (do the things that you really like (or love) such as watching a movie, eating your favorite comfort food, going out with your friends, play with your pets..remember always be happy..its your choice..and the universe will send you more happiness)


Top 10 photo fads of Filipinos

according to ANG PINAKA here is the top 10 famous photo fads
10. forced perspective - landmark

09. duck face - make sure you look good

08. jump shot - watch out for belly

07. look up - group shot

06. emo - looking down view

05. ootd - outlook of the day

04. food porn

03. throwback thursday - #tbt posting old pics beside your new photo

02. mirror shot

01. selfie


Full Tank, The Joy of Grace-Filled Relationships, Talk 101: Undo Curses

Today's talk at The Feast:
Empty love tank makes you
1. needy person
2. angry person

Relationship or rulership?


Relationship is about trust..there is weak trust if there is a lot of control..coming from an empty love tank

Ephesians 4:32
You cannot forget the things of the past

Love is not provoked..
You have to let the person control himself
Shouting only works if there is fire
RULE: only shout in the house when there is fire

Instead of correcting a behavior one would say there is something wrong with baket di mo magaya ang kapatid mo? there is an intention to shame someone


You cannot dominate another God-look-a-like person

we try to fix others because we've bought into a blatant lie that the other person's performance will solve our deepest needs

give up trying to fix the other person, your job is to LOVE them UNCONDITIONALLY

Thursday, July 4, 2013

I like your thinking

A teacher asks her class, "If there are five birds sitting on a fence and you shoot one of them, how many will be left?" 

She calls on little Johnny.

"None, they all fly away with the first gunshot."

The teacher replies, "The correct answer is four, but I like your thinking." 

Then Little Johnny says, "I have a question for YOU. There are three women sitting on a bench having ice cream. One is delicately licking the sides of the triple scoop of ice cream. The second is gobbling down the top and sucking the cone. The third is biting off the top of the ice cream. Which one is married?"

The teacher, blushing a great deal, replies, "Well I suppose the one that's gobbled down the top and sucked the cone."

"The correct answer is the one with the wedding ring on... but I like your thinking."

Sunday, June 30, 2013

The paradox of our time

The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings, but shorter tempers; wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints; we spend more, but have less; we buy more, but enjoy it less.

These are days of two incomes, but more divorce; of fancier houses, but broken homes.

These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throw away morality, one-night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer to quiet to kill.

These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion; tall men, and short character; steep profits, and shallow relationships.

These are the times of world peace, but domestic warfare; more leisure, but less fun; more kinds of food, but less nutrition. We write more, but learn less; we plan more, but accomplish less.

We've learned to rush, but not to wait; we have higher incomes, but lower morals; we have more food, but less appeasement; we build more computers to hold more information to produce more copies than ever, but have less communication; we've become long on quantity, but short on quality.

We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul; we've split the atom, but not our prejudice.

We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbor. We've conquered outer space, but not inner space; we've done larger things, but not better things.

We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often.

We've learned how to make a living, but not a life; we've added years to life, not life to years.

We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get angry too quickly, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too seldom, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.

We have bigger houses and smaller families; more conveniences, but less time; we have more degrees, but less sense; more knowledge, but less judgment; more experts, but more problems; more medicine, but less wellness.

It is a time when there is much in the show room and nothing in the stockroom; a time when technology has brought this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to make a difference, or to just hit delete.

Remember, spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever.

Remember to say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side.

Remember to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a cent.

Remember to say "I love you" to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it!!

A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you.

Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment, for someday that person will not be there again.

Give time to love, give time to speak and give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind."

~Dr. Bob Moorehead

Live and let live

Pay it forward 01

"Good morning," said the woman as she walked up to the man sitting on the ground.

The man slowly looked up.

This was a woman clearly accustomed to the finer things of life. Her coat was new. She looked like she had never missed a meal in her life.

His first thought was that she wanted to make fun of him, like so many others had done before.. "Leave me alone," he growled.

To his amazement, the woman continued standing. She was smiling - her even, white teeth displayed in dazzling rows.

"Are you hungry?" she asked.

"No," he answered sarcastically. "I've just come from dining with the president. Now go away."

The woman's smile became even broader. Suddenly the man felt a gentle hand under his arm.

"What are you doing, lady?" the man asked angrily. "I said to leave me alone."

Just then a policeman came up. "Is there any problem, ma'am?" he asked.

"No problem here, officer," the woman answered. "I'm just trying to get this man to his feet. Will you help me?"

The officer scratched his head. "That's old Jack. He's been a fixture around here for a couple of years. What do you want with him?"

"See that cafeteria over there?" she asked. "I'm going to get him something to eat and get him out of the cold for awhile."

"Are you crazy, lady?" the homeless man resisted. "I don't want to go in there!"

Then he felt strong hands grab his other arm and lift him up. "Let me go, officer. I didn't do anything."

"This is a good deal for you, Jack," the officer answered. "Don't blow it."

Finally, and with some difficulty, the woman and the police officer got Jack into the cafeteria and sat him at a table in a remote corner. It was the middle of the morning, so most of the breakfast crowd had already left and the lunch bunch had not yet arrived.

The manager strode across the cafeteria and stood by his table. "What's going on here, officer?" he asked. "What is all this? Is this man in trouble?"

"This lady brought this man in here to be fed," the policeman answered.

"Not in here!" the manager replied angrily. "Having a person like that here is bad for business."

Old Jack smiled a toothless grin. "See, lady. I told you so. Now if you'll let me go. I didn't want to come here in the first place."

The woman turned to the cafeteria manager and smiled.

"Sir, are you familiar with Eddy and Associates, the banking firm down the street?"

"Of course I am," the manager answered impatiently. "They hold their weekly meetings in one of my banquet rooms."

"And do you make a goodly amount of money providing food at these weekly meetings?"

"What business is that of yours?"

"I, sir, am Penelope Eddy, president and CEO of the company."


The woman smiled again. "I thought that might make a difference." She glanced at the cop who was busy stifling a giggle. "Would you like to join us in a cup of coffee and a meal, officer?"

"No thanks, ma'am," the officer replied. "I'm on duty."

"Then, perhaps, a cup of coffee to go?"

"Yes, ma'am. That would be very nice."

The cafeteria manager turned on his heel, "I'll get your coffee for you right away, officer."

The officer watched him walk away. "You certainly put him in his place," he said.

"That was not my intent. Believe it or not, I have a reason for all this."

She sat down at the table across from her amazed dinner guest. She stared at him intently. "Jack, do you remember me?"

Old Jack searched her face with his old, rheumy eyes. "I think so - I mean you do look familiar."

"I'm a little older perhaps," she said. "Maybe I've even filled out more than in my younger days when you worked here, and I came through that very door, cold and hungry."

"Ma'am?" the officer said questioningly. He couldn't believe that such a magnificently turned out woman could ever have been hungry.

"I was just out of college," the woman began. "I had come to the city looking for a job, but I couldn't find anything. Finally I was down to my last few cents and had been kicked out of my apartment. I walked the streets for days. It was February and I was cold and nearly starving. I saw this place and walked in on the off chance that I could get something to eat."

Jack lit up with a smile. "Now I remember," he said. "I was behind the serving counter. You came up and asked me if you could work for something to eat. I said that it was against company policy."

"I know," the woman continued. "Then you made me the biggest roast beef sandwich that I had ever seen, gave me a cup of coffee, and told me to go over to a corner table and enjoy it. I was afraid that you would get into trouble. Then, when I looked over and saw you put the price of my food in the cash register, I knew then that everything would be all right."

"So you started your own business?" Old Jack said.

"I got a job that very afternoon. I worked my way up. Eventually I started my own business that, with the help of God, prospered."

She opened her purse and pulled out a business card. "When you are finished here, I want you to pay a visit to a Mr. Lyons. He's the personnel director of my company. I'll go talk to him now and I'm certain he'll find something for you to do around the office."

She smiled. "I think he might even find the funds to give you a little advance so that you can buy some clothes and get a place to live until you get on your feet. If you ever need anything, my door is always opened to you."

There were tears in the old man's eyes. "How can I ever thank you?" he said.

"Don't thank me," the woman answered. "To God goes the glory. Thank Jesus... He led me to you."

Outside the cafeteria, the officer and the woman paused at the entrance before going their separate ways.

"Thank you for all your help, officer," she said.

"On the contrary, Ms. Eddy," he answered. "Thank you. I saw a miracle today, something that I will never forget. And thank you for the coffee."

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Rated Optical Illusion

About Love

Love vs. Sex

A teenage girl about 17 had gone to visit some friends one evening and time passed quickly as each shared their various experiences of the past year.

She ended up staying longer than planned, and had to walk home alone.

She wasn't afraid because it was a small town and she lived only a few blocks away.

As she walked along under the tall elm trees, Diane asked God to keep her safe from harm and danger.

When she reached the alley, which was a short cut to her house, she decided to take it.

However, halfway down the alley she noticed a man standing at the end as though he was waiting for her.

She became uneasy and began to pray, asking for God's protection.

Instantly a comforting feeling of quietness and security wrapped round her, she felt as though someone was walking with her.

When she reached the end of the alley, she walked right past the man and arrived home safely.

The following day, she read in the newspaper that a young girl had been raped in the same alley just twenty minutes after she had been there.

Feeling overwhelmed by this tragedy and the fact that it could have been her, she began to weep.

Thanking the Lord for her safety and to help this young woman, she decided to go to the police station.

She felt she could recognize the man, so she told them her story.

The police asked her if she would be willing to look at a lineup to see if she could identify him.

She agreed and immediately pointed out the man she had seen in the alley the night before.

When the man was told he had been identified, he immediately broke down and confessed.

The officer thanked Diane for her bravery and asked if there was anything they could do for her.

She asked if they would ask the man one question.

Diane was curious as to why he had not attacked her.

When the policeman asked him, he answered,

"Because she wasn't alone. She had two tall men walking on either side of her."

Amazingly, whether you believe or not, you're never alone.

Did you know that 98% of teenagers will not stand up for God?

PS: God is always there in your heart and loves you no matter what and if you stand up for him he will stand up for you.

Think Positive Always

The Professor and Sir Albert Einstein

A professor of a university challenged his students with this question.

"Did God create everything that exists?"

A student answered bravely, "Yes, he did".

The professor then asked,

"If God created everything, then he created evil. Since evil exists (as noticed by our own actions), so God is evil".

The student couldn't respond to that statement causing the professor to conclude that he had "proved" that "belief in God" was a fairy tale, and therefore worthless.

Another student raised his hand and asked the professor,

"May I pose a question? "

"Of course" answered the professor.

The young student stood up and asked :

"Professor does Cold exists?"

The professor answered,

"What kind of question is that? ...Of course the cold exists... haven't you ever been cold?"

The young student answered,

"In fact sir, Cold does not exist. According to the laws of Physics, what we consider cold, in fact is the absence of heat. Anything is able to be studied as long as it transmits energy (heat). Absolute Zero is the total absence of heat, but cold does not exist. What we have done is create a term to describe how we feel if we don't have body heat or we are not hot."

"And, does Dark exist?", he continued.

The professor answered

"Of course".

This time the student responded,

"Again you're wrong, Sir. Darkness does not exist either. Darkness is in fact simply the absence of light. Light can be studied, darkness can not. Darkness cannot be broken down. A simple ray of light tears the darkness and illuminates the surface where the light beam finishes. Dark is a term that we humans have created to describe what happens when there's lack of light."

Finally, the student asked
the professor,

"Sir, does evil exist?"

The professor replied, 

"Of course it exists, as I mentioned at the beginning, we see violations, crimes and violence anywhere in the world, and those things are evil."

The student responded,

"Sir, Evil does not exist. Just as in the previous cases, Evil is a term which man has created to describe the result of the absence of God's presence in the hearts of man."

After this, the professor bowed down his head, and didn't answer back.

The young man's name was EINSTEIN..


Lesson Learned

Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?"

Which one are YOU?

Grandmother says... Carrots, Eggs, or Coffee; "Which are you?"

A young woman went to her grandmother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved a new one arose.

Her grandmother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water. In the first, she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs and the last she placed ground coffee beans. She let them sit and boil without saying a word.

In about twenty minutes she turned off the burners. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl. Turning to her granddaughter, she asked, "Tell me what do you see?"

"Carrots, eggs, and coffee," she replied.

She brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they got soft.She then asked her to take an egg and break it.

After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg.

Finally, she asked her to sip the coffee. The granddaughter smiled, as she tasted its rich aroma. The granddaughter then asked. "What's the point,grandmother?"

Her grandmother explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity--boiling water--but each reacted differently.

The carrot went in strong, hard and unrelenting. However after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak. The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior. But, after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened.

The ground coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water they had changed the water.

"Which are you?" she asked her granddaughter.

"When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?"

Think of this: Which am I?

Am I the carrot that seems strong, but with pain and adversity, do I wilt and become soft and lose my strength?

Am I the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat? Did I have a fluid spirit, but after a death, a breakup, a financial hardship or some other trial, have I become hardened and stiff?

Does my shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and a hardened heart?

Or am I like the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water, the very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavor. If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation around you.

When the hours are the darkest and trials are their greatest do you elevate to another level?

~Author Unknown

The Real Robber

During a robbery in Guangzhou, China, the bank robber shouted to everyone in the bank:

"Don't move. The money belongs to the State. Your life belongs to you."

Everyone in the bank laid down quietly.

This is called "Mind Changing Concept” Changing the conventional way of thinking.

When a lady lay on the table provocatively, the robber shouted at her:

"Please be civilized! This is a robbery and not a rape!"

This is called "Being Professional”

Focus only on what you are trained to do!

When the bank robbers returned home, the younger robber (MBA-trained) told the older robber (who has only completed Year 6 in primary school):

"Big brother, let's count how much we got."

The older robber rebutted and said:

"You are very stupid. There is so much money it will take us a long time to count. Tonight, the TV news will tell us how much we robbed from the bank!"

This is called "Experience.”

Nowadays, experience is more important than paper qualifications!

After the robbers had left, the bank manager told the bank supervisor to call the police quickly.

But the supervisor said to him:

"Wait! Let us take out $10 million from the bank for ourselves and add it to the $70 million that we have previously embezzled from the bank”.

This is called "Swim with the tide.”

Converting an unfavorable situation to your advantage!

The supervisor says: "It will be good if there is a robbery every month."

This is called "Killing Boredom.”

Personal Happiness is more important than your job.

The next day, the TV news reported that $100 million was taken from the bank.

The robbers counted and counted and counted, but they could only count $20 million.

The robbers were very angry and complained:

"We risked our lives and only took $20 million. The bank manager took $80 million with a snap of his fingers. It looks like it is better to be educated than to be a thief!"

This is called "Knowledge is worth as much as gold!"

The bank manager was smiling and happy because his losses in the share market are now covered by this robbery.

This is called "Seizing the opportunity.”

Daring to take risks!

So who are the real robbers here?

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Everybody is a genius

Types of Bisexual

Alternating Bisexuals – one relationship at a time, the first might be exclusively straight, the next exclusively gay and vice versa. Alternating Bisexuals are usually monogamous.

Circumstantial Bisexuals – primarily heterosexual but bisexual because of circumstances, eg; Prison where there are no women/men available.

Concurrent relationship Bisexuals – have a primary relationship with one gender, but may have multiple casual relationships with partners of the other gender.

Conditional Bisexuals – will switch sexuality for personal gain, eg: Gay for Pay.

Emotional Bisexuals – have intimate emotional relationships with both genders but only have sex with one gender.

Integrated Bisexuals – have two or more concurrent primary relationships one with a man one with a woman.

Exploratory Bisexuals – testing the water seeing if they like it.

Hedonistic Bisexuals -primarily straight or gay/lesbian but will switch purely for sexual pleasure.

Recreational Bisexuals – bi only when drunk or high. “Party Bisexual”.

Isolated Bisexuals – currently straight or gay/lesbian – but has had one off sexual encounter in the past which qualifies them as bisexual.

Latent Bisexuals – has strong yet so far unsatisfied urges to go the other way.

Motivational Bisexuals – will go bi to satisfy a partner, e.g. straight women agreeing to an MFF threesome.

Transitional Bisexuals – the only type of bisexuality the gay community understands, the one “going through a phase”.

The Religious Panda

Sunday, April 28, 2013

What did you do today that made you so happy?

There once was a little boy who wanted to meet God. He knew it was a long trip to where God lived, so he packed his suitcase with Twinkies and a six-pack of root beer, and he started on his journey. When he had gone about three blocks, he met an old woman. She was sitting in the park, staring at some pigeons. The boy sat down next to her and opened his suitcase.

He was about to take a drink from his root beer when he noticed that the old lady looked hungry, so he offered her a Twinkie. She gratefully accepted it and smiled at him.

Her smile was so pretty that the boy wanted to see it again, so he offered her a root beer. Once again, she smiled at him. The boy was delighted. They sat there all afternoon eating and smiling, yet they never said a word.

As it grew dark, the boy realized how tired he was and he got up to leave. Before he had gone more than a few steps, he turned around, ran back to the old woman and gave her a hug. She gave him her biggest smile ever.

When the boy opened the door to his own home a short time later, his mother was surprised by the look of joy on his face. She asked him, “What did you do today that made you so happy?” He replied, “I had lunch with God.” But before his mother could respond, he added, “You know what? She’s got the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen!”

Meanwhile, the old woman, also radiant with joy, returned to her home. Her neighbor was stunned by the look of peace on her face, andshe asked, “What did you do today that made you so happy?” She replied, “I ate Twinkies in the park with God.” But before her neighbor responded, she added,

“You know, he’s much younger than I expected.”

Will someone see God in your smile or kind deeds? Maybe they’re not even looking for God, but may see Him in the kindness you show. Isn’t that what we’re here for? It might be a stranger, someone you work with, a family member or friend. Let them see God in you. Show His love in all you do today.”

Grandma is driving

Grandma is eighty-eight years old and still drives her own car. She writes:

Dear Grand-daughter,

The other day I went up to our local Christian book store and saw a
'Honk if you love Jesus' bumper sticker ..

I was feeling particularly sassy that day because I had just come from a
thrilling choir performance, followed by a thunderous prayer meeting.

So, I bought the sticker and put it on my bumper..

Boy, am I glad I did; what an uplifting experience that followed.

I was stopped at a red light at a busy intersection, just lost in
thought about the Lord and how good he is, and I didn't notice that the
light had changed.

It is a good thing someone else loves Jesus because if he hadn't
honked, I'd never have noticed.

I found that lots of people love Jesus!

While I was sitting there, the guy behind started honking like crazy,
and then he leaned out of his window and screamed, 'For the love of

'Go! Go! Go! Jesus Christ, GO!'

What an exuberant cheerleader he was for Jesus!

Everyone started honking!

I just leaned out my window and started waving and smiling at all those
loving people.

I even honked my horn a few times to share in the love!

There must have been a man from Florida back there because I heard him
yelling something about a sunny beach.

I saw another guy waving in a funny way with only his middle finger
stuck up in the air.

I asked my young teenage grandson in the back seat what that meant.

He said it was probably a Hawaiian good luck sign or something.

Well, I have never met anyone from Hawaii , so I leaned out the window
and gave him the good luck sign right back.

My grandson burst out laughing.

Why even he was enjoying this religious experience!!

A couple of the people were so caught up in the joy of the moment that
they got out of their cars and started walking towards me.

I bet they wanted to pray or ask what church I attended, but this is
when I noticed the light had changed.

So, grinning, I waved at all my brothers and sisters, and drove on
through the intersection.

I noticed that I was the only car that got through the intersection
before the light changed again and felt kind of sad that I had to leave
them after all the love we had shared.

So I slowed the car down, leaned out the window and gave them all the
Hawaiian good luck sign one last time as I drove away. Praise the Lord
for such wonderful folks!!

Will write again soon,



Sunday, March 17, 2013

Just hold my hand

Little girl and her father were crossing a bridge.

The father was kind of scared so he asked his little daughter,
‘Sweetheart, please hold my hand so that you don’t fall into the river.’

The little girl said, ‘No, Dad. You hold my hand.’

‘What’s the difference?’ Asked the puzzled father.

‘There’s a big difference,’ replied the little girl.

‘If I hold your hand and something happens to me, chances are that I may let your hand go.
But if you hold my hand, I know for sure that no matter what happens, you will never let my hand go.’

In any relationship, the essence of trust is not in its bind, but in its bond.

So hold the hand of the person who loves you rather than expecting them to hold yours…

This message is too short……but carries a lot of Feelings.

Put the glass down..

A psychologist walked around a room while teaching stress management to an audience.

As she raised a glass of water, everyone expected they’d be asked the “half empty or half full” question.

Instead, with a smile on her face, she inquired:

“How heavy is this glass of water?”

Answers called out ranged from 8 oz. to 20 oz.

She replied,

“The absolute weight doesn’t matter. It depends on how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it’s not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I’ll have an ache in my arm. If I hold it for a day, my arm will feel numb and paralyzed. In each case, the weight of the glass doesn’t change, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes.”

She continued,

“The stresses and worries in life are like that glass of water. Think about them for a while and nothing happens. Think about them a bit longer and they begin to hurt. And if you think about them all day long, you will feel paralyzed – incapable of doing anything.”

It’s important to remember to let go of your stresses.

As early in the evening as you can, put all your burdens down.

Don’t carry them through the evening and into the night. Remember to put the glass down!

PSYCHOLOGY ... and ... LAW!

A guy asked a girl in a library: "Do you mind if I sit beside you ?”

The girl replied with a loud voice:

All the students in the library started staring at the guy, he was embarrassed.

After a couple of minutes, the girl walked quietly to the guy's table and said: 
"I study psychology and I know what a man is thinking, I guess you felt embarrassed, right ?"

The guy responded with a loud voice :

All the people in the library looked at the girl in shock.

The guy whispered in her ears;
"I study Law and I know how to make someone feel guilty.” :P