Friday, February 24, 2012

some words of wisdom

words of wisdom
HATE has 4 letters, but so does LOVE..

ENEMIES has 7 letters, but so does FRIENDS..

LYING has 5 letters, but so does TRUTH..
HURT has 4 letters, but so does HEAL..

Transform every negative energy into an aura of positivity..

It’s our perception that makes the difference in the way we feel…

Faith and Trust to our Creator help in attaining these transformations!

words of wisdom
- before you say “I can’t.”, make sure you’ve tried.

- before you let doubts stop you, confront them with facts.

- before fear holds you back, go forward with faith.

- before you believe others are better, show them your best.

- before you dismiss your dreams, wait until they’ve come true.

- before you go looking for happiness, make your own wherever you are.