Saturday, July 20, 2013

Coffee Savings

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Talk 2: Get rid of idolatry (The Feast @PICC, Sunday July 14, 2013)

Full Tank Series (The Feast, Sunday July 14, 2013)

Talk 2: Get rid of idolatry

Deuteronomy 27:15

When you seek from another person something that only God can give

What is that something? All the things that makes us complete

2 types of Paradigm

1) Performance paradigm -

the way you relate to other people is the way you treat yourself
people with this paradigm postponed their happiness or trust or love.. they will wait until they reach something before they start loving themselves

ORIGIN: idolatry..i.e.looking for something from another i will love you only if...

there is no such thing as earn my love or earn my has to be given away unconditionally

performance paradigm entails shaming

ex. a boy who picks up a choco bar in a store and then tantrums starts when his mom did not buy for him..what happens next is if his mom adopts a performance paradigm she will be conscious and then be ashamed of her son..then outburt would get mad with her son..because her happiness or selfworth comes from her child or another person..i will love you only if???

the best discipline is to allow the person to face the consequences of his action

you have to stop idolatry in your heart and start connecting with God

only when you have peace in your heart

2) Prodigal paradigm

prodigal is reckless extravagance

reckless extravagance in love (the parable of the prodigal son?.. after his son returns from his prodigal show his love for his son he celebrates a feast in extravagance)

the prodigal paradigm do not speak but listens - empathy

the best example is when a child has a failing grade and shows it to her parents..his parents would sit down with them and son how can i help you? is there something that worries you?..what happens next..the son would corrects himself (self correct)

the opposite - performance paradigm..a parent would shamed their son saying things that would hurt his feelings..eventually the son would rebel more to his parents..

whatever you do it will affect the people around you

and there is only one thing that can change a heart - an UNCONDITIONAL LOVE

Love letter from an accountant

Jay a graduate of Accounting, wrote a letter to his Girl Friend Char

Love letter from an Accountant

In the Journal of my heart,

I have written a Journal Entry,

Debiting my love & crediting my affection,

Now partners,

I write this Narration

Your beauty is the Capital of our business,

And your eyes are Stock In Trade,

Now let us enter into a Transaction,

Without providing Depreciation

Your first love I have already indicated On the Ledger Folio column,

Any way, our relations are based on Double Entry System

Our love is Real & Tangible proposals, Which can be realized,

Interest on the same, Can be capitalized

Partner, you are like a Contra Entry,

You are on my Debit Side & Credit Side, Both at the same time,

And so my partner now ,let us Rectify,

All our errors & total the Trial Balance, Of our affairs & emotions,

Without maintaining any Suspense Account

And any difference in the Trial Balance,

And In the Balance Sheet of our life.

Our children will be Assets & Liabilities,

If they are boys, shall we call them Sundry Debtors?

If they are girls, shall we call them Sundry Creditors

But if we have a boy & a girl,

Our Balance Sheet will Tally automatically,

A balance Sheet

And the Auditor will certify thus


Your dying Accountant in love

Sunday, July 7, 2013

You are God-look-a-like

Believe in yourself

The 5 Keys to Coping with Stress

By Jessica Cohen | June 1st, 2013 at 8:23 am   

Yesterday the folks at released results of a study showing how happy people handle stressful situations.  How do people who are genuinely happy cope with stressful times?

Okay, so you might be rolling your eyes right now, but bear with me.  This, my friends, is fascinating.

Here’s why.  Managing stress is not only important for our emotional health but it is vital for our physical health as well.  During times of stress, any (or all) of the following may occur: increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, changes in breathing patterns, tense muscles, disrupted sleep patterns,  weakened digestive system, and lower immune system resistance.   The effects of stress can takes a serious toll on one’s health, so understanding resiliency and coping techniques might enable us to keep people not only happier, but physically healthier too.

So, why do happier people show more resilience in stressful times while others have more difficulty?  The study looked at 1,434 people who are very happy with their life and found five common factors in coping with stress:

Techniques for Coping with Stress

Here are the five ways that happy people cope with stressful situations. Which one of these do you use?

Problem-Solving Technique
Happy people take active steps to discover the underlying cause of stress and find ways to either solve or improve their situation. They approach stress in a more systematic, practical way. (before sleeping, i tend to organize my thoughts and contemplate..i prioritize which should be tackled first..which is the most important..clear out your mind from any NEGATIVE thinking..always stay positive)

Positive Recognitive Structuring Technique

Happy people can look at a problem or source of stress from a different, more empowering angle.  They find a silver lining to the issue or change the way they think about it. (the positive attitude, the positive thinking..trigger happy techniques - think of happy moments in the past that made you smile or happy or laugh..but stay positive and everything will be your favorite is the fastest way for your comfort)

Negotiation Technique

By compromising and negotiating, happy people can lessen their own aggravation levels.  They are able to adjust their attitude or outlook in order to adapt to a stressful situation. (everything happens for a reason..i always mention the phrase "In Jesus name" or "Jesus save me" when I'm in a difficult situation and it never fails..compromise on issues but never compromise your what is right even if others were not looking)

Emotional Regulation Technique

Happy people recognize the need to calm themselves down before tackling a stressful situation.  They look for a way to release  excess energy in order to see the situation from a less emotional and more rational perspective. (I do confessional writing to calm myself - like talking to God by writing a letter e.g. Dear Father in heaven and then pouring out all what's inside in your mind.. Drinking teas and avoiding too much caffeine..less sugar healthy like buying assorted sliced fruits at the supermarket)

Distraction Technique

Along the lines of emotional regulation, some happy people distract themselves by socializing and enjoying themselves.  This allows them to take their mind off of their stressful situation until they are emotionally ready to find a solution. (do the things that you really like (or love) such as watching a movie, eating your favorite comfort food, going out with your friends, play with your pets..remember always be happy..its your choice..and the universe will send you more happiness)


Top 10 photo fads of Filipinos

according to ANG PINAKA here is the top 10 famous photo fads
10. forced perspective - landmark

09. duck face - make sure you look good

08. jump shot - watch out for belly

07. look up - group shot

06. emo - looking down view

05. ootd - outlook of the day

04. food porn

03. throwback thursday - #tbt posting old pics beside your new photo

02. mirror shot

01. selfie


Full Tank, The Joy of Grace-Filled Relationships, Talk 101: Undo Curses

Today's talk at The Feast:
Empty love tank makes you
1. needy person
2. angry person

Relationship or rulership?


Relationship is about trust..there is weak trust if there is a lot of control..coming from an empty love tank

Ephesians 4:32
You cannot forget the things of the past

Love is not provoked..
You have to let the person control himself
Shouting only works if there is fire
RULE: only shout in the house when there is fire

Instead of correcting a behavior one would say there is something wrong with baket di mo magaya ang kapatid mo? there is an intention to shame someone


You cannot dominate another God-look-a-like person

we try to fix others because we've bought into a blatant lie that the other person's performance will solve our deepest needs

give up trying to fix the other person, your job is to LOVE them UNCONDITIONALLY

Thursday, July 4, 2013

I like your thinking

A teacher asks her class, "If there are five birds sitting on a fence and you shoot one of them, how many will be left?" 

She calls on little Johnny.

"None, they all fly away with the first gunshot."

The teacher replies, "The correct answer is four, but I like your thinking." 

Then Little Johnny says, "I have a question for YOU. There are three women sitting on a bench having ice cream. One is delicately licking the sides of the triple scoop of ice cream. The second is gobbling down the top and sucking the cone. The third is biting off the top of the ice cream. Which one is married?"

The teacher, blushing a great deal, replies, "Well I suppose the one that's gobbled down the top and sucked the cone."

"The correct answer is the one with the wedding ring on... but I like your thinking."